Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Joyful is a Proud Sponsor of Run for Water

Why Run For Water?

Runners possess an acute understanding of the importance of hydration - how critical clean drinking water is to sustaining fitness, health and life.  In the developing world, the stakes are much higher.  Estimates are that 1 billion people on our planet do not have access to a reliable source of clean water and that every 19 seconds, a child dies for lack of clean water!  The lack of a water source also means children, particularly young girls, cannot go to school. It means women cannot tend to their family or pursue a livelihood.  Instead they spend their days attending to their daily water needs, frequently walking for hours to fetch water that is unsanitary.  Each May, we encourage people of all ages and abilities to run for "Water" in order to help those in need access safe, clean water sources.  Access to clean water is foundational to securing health, education and economic well-being.  This is Joyful's 5th Run for Water.  We are very proud of our involvement.  Help us help others.  Join Joyful Celebrations and the community make a difference! 

Water is foundational to a healthy life

Joyful Celebrations "A Proud Sponsor"

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