Thursday, April 19, 2012

Charitable & Non profits 5th Anniversary Special

At Joyful we want to spread the joy around as we celebrate our 5th anniversary.

We would like to offer any non profit or charitable groups who are planning an event for May thru August and would like any of our services for their event at a cost plus event.  We encourage you to complete a quote request and tell us what you have in mind for your event.

We will then look at if to see how we can make your event a success and also benefit Joyful's plans for a successful 5th Season and beyond.  We promise it will be worth your effort.

Visit our website and complete a request a quote.  It's the 5th sign to the right.  Give us all the details of location, date and time.  Then select the services you are interested in.

Will get back to you with our cost plus plan to make your event a success.

Please you under promo code: nonpro so we will no it is a charitable or non profit request.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

WIN a free bouncy castle rental

Check out our new contest to win a free Bouncy castle Rental. All you do is share our page to your friends and ask them to like it. The person with the most friends in common who like our page wins.